November: I passed my qualifying exam and have been admitted to candidacy. Thank you to my committee members for their support and feedback!
October: I share some reflections on my first two years at NU and some advice for prospective students! [Northwestern CS article]
August: My first-author paper, co-written with Yinmiao Li and our advisor, Eleanor O’Rourke, won the best paper award at ICER 2024! I’m so shocked and grateful! It was a great experience to present my first paper at ICER in Melbourne, and we look forward to continuing conversations around self-efficacy and self-assessments. [Northwestern CS article] [Link to the paper]
August: My advisor, Dr. Eleanor O’Rourke, and I ran a co-design workshop with introductory computing instructors on August 7 and 8. If you teach intro computing and programming courses, we’d love to have you attend a future iteration! Learn more on the workshop website and email me if you are interested.