Archived News
- 📢 Aug 2024: My advisor, Dr. Eleanor O’Rourke, and I ran a co-design workshop with introductory computing instructors on August 7 and 8. If you teach intro computing and programming courses, we’d love to have you attend our next iteration of the workshop! Learn more on the workshop website and email me if you are interested in hearing about the next iteration.
- 🏅 May 2024: I was awarded the CS Student Hero Award alongside two of my awesome peers. [Northwestern CS article]
- 🏅 Apr 2024: I received the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP) for three years of funding starting in fall 2024! [Northwestern CS article]
- ✨ Mar 2024: In the spring quarter, I was a practicum student in the Northwestern / ETHS Partnership Office through the Graduate Engagement Opportunities program, where I was introduced to community-based research work.
- 🏅 Sept 2023: I was awarded the Design Cluster Research Fellowship at Northwestern [Center for Human-Computer Interaction and Design article] and received mentorship on design-based research work
- 💻 Aug 2023: I presented some preliminary results on our work “Designing a Real-time Intervention to Address Negative Self-assessments While Programming” at ICER 2023 in Chicago as a poster and lightning talk.
- 🏅 Apr 2023: I attended the 2023 CRA-WP Grad Cohort for Women. [Northwestern CS article]
- 🏅 Mar 2023: I received the ACM-W Research Conference Scholarship to attend SIGCSE TS 2023. [ACM-W Reflection] [Northwestern CS article]
- 💻 Oct 2022: I presented my plans for my research this quarter as a poster at the 2022 Lambert Conference on the Future of Human-Computer Interaction + Design
- ✨ Sept 2022: I started my PhD at Northwestern!
- 🎓 May 2022: I graduated with highest honors from the University of Illinois in May with a degree in computer science and a minor in math! Next up: I will be interning on the Lyft Pink & Memberships team as a software engineer intern before starting a PhD in computer science at Northwestern.
- 💻 Apr 2022: I presented my senior year research work, advised by Professor Brian Bailey and Wendy Shi, on Disparities by Gender in Self and Peer Evaluation at the Undergraduate Research Symposium!
Other Media Mentions
- Oct 2024: Reflections on two years at Northwestern + advice for prospective students. Northwestern CS: [article]
- May 2022: Reflections on my experience in the inaugural class of CS STARS at UIUC, joint research & outreach program for women in computing. Illinois CS: [article]
- Jan 2022: Reflections on my most meaningful experiences in the Siebel Center for Computer Science at UIUC. Grainger College of Engineering: [video]