I am a third year Ph.D. candidate in computer science and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow (NSF GRFP) at Northwestern University, advised by Professor Eleanor O’Rourke in the Delta Lab. I am a design-based researcher working to understand and support student motivation, self-efficacy, and self-assessments.
I graduated with a B.S. in computer science and a minor in math from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in May 2022. As an undergrad researcher, my research interests included machine learning for satellite crop monitoring and quantitatively understanding disparities in self and peer evaluations in group work settings.
News (archives)
- ✨ Jan 2025: I’m volunteer teaching in a fifth grade CS class! Our goal is to support students in learning computing through self-expression in TunePad
- 🪨 Nov 2024: I passed my qualifying exam and have been admitted to candidacy. Thank you to my committee members for their support and feedback!
- ✨ Sept 2024: I’m TA-ing for the Introduction to Grad Studies course in the CS department!
- 🏅 Aug 2024: My first-author paper, co-written with Yinmiao Li and our advisor, Eleanor O’Rourke, won the best paper award at ICER 2024! It was a great experience to present my first paper at ICER in Melbourne, and we look forward to continuing conversations around self-efficacy and self-assessments. [Northwestern CS article]